Since starting the business in 2013, I have been focused on a variety of projects in the political arena.
These projects include campaign management, comprehensive research projects, communications consulting and media strategy. Notably, projects I have worked on have received national media attention with widespread coverage from coast to coast.
What I Do
Media monitoring, analysis and strategy
Media monitoring, analysis and strategy can help propel your campaign to the next level. Our media consulting services include monitoring, in depth analysis and strategic evaluation. While covering broadcast, online, social and traditional media outlets, our services provide real time tracking of your campaign’s presence. With that we work closely with you to manage and grow your campaign’s media portfolio, analyze the effectiveness of current strategies, and provide optimization strategies for swift adjustments and improved outcomes.
Non-profit consultation
Nonprofits face a unique set of obstacles which require not only a background in nonprofit work, but an understanding of how nonprofits can succeed in a competitive environment. Our non profit services include program design and implementation, branding and communication strategy, media assistance, event promotion and government/regulatory consultation
Communications strategy and public relations
In today’s marketplace, your message, how it is branded, and how it is understood by the public at large is more important than ever. Effective communication strategies are vital for any campaign or program to be successful. Our communications and PR services include social media, content marketing, brand development, campaign research, preparation and promotion
In the Media
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[service_table title=”Written by David” title_tag=”h3″ title_background_type=”background_color_type” icon=”fa-pencil-square-o” icon_size=”fa-3x” title_color=”#ffffff” title_background_color=”#898989″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]
- The Globe And Mail: Minor Changes Could Have A Major Positive Impact On Ontario’s Cannabis Plan
- Financial Post: Will No MP Stand Up Against Supply Management
- The Honolulu Star-Advertiser: Soda tax won’t curb isle obesity, may hurt low-income people
- Miami Herald: Banning single-use plastics won’t solve Florida’s pollution problem. Chemical recycling will
- The Financial Post: Ridefair shows nothing is new under the rent-seeking sun
- The Financial Post: How West Virginia, one of America’s poorest and most rural states, became a leader in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine
- The Financial Post: Carbon Tariffs Are Policy Mischief
- The National Post: Avoid a beef shortage by removing unnecessary red tape
- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pa. can and should legalize cannabis, but do it right
- The Financial Post: Happy Festivus, For The Rest Of Us
- The National Post: Don’t blame Doug Ford for the costs of breaking unfair beer retailing contracts
- The National Post: David Clement: For Canada’s restaurant industry, first a free lunch, then a freed-up lunch
- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: David Clement and Yael Ossowski: Pa. can and should legalize cannabis, but do it right
- The Financial Post: Open Canada’s Airline Market
- The National Post: The Liberals are blowing smoke with claim they ‘wiped out’ half of illegal cannabis market
- The Globe and Mail: Ontario’s Cannabis Lottery was a disaster, it should be the last.
- The Globe And Mail: Quick and smart fixes for Canada’s cannabis mess
- The Toronto Star: Its Time To Legalize Paid Plasma Donations In Ontario
- The Western Standard: NDP Birtherism Borders on Bigotry
- The Daily Maverick: Prohibition and paternalism are always wrong, especially in a pandemic
- The Financial Post: Canada Doesn’t Need A Wealth Tax
- The Western Standard: Canada must step up as Hong Kong faces Communist takeover
- Financial Post: Level the cannabis ingesting field by legalizing consumption in commercial spaces
- The Chronicle Herald: Therapeutic CBD oil doesn’t belong under restrictive Cannabis Act
- The Washington Examiner: Outdated regulations are hampering a coronavirus cure
- The National Post: Trudeau’s ‘plastic ban’ won’t help the environment. It could actually harm it instead
- The Dominion Post: What NZ can learn from Canada’s cannabis experiment
- The Globe And Mail: Liberals want to build their campaign around pharmacare, but ignore where drugs would end up
- The National Post: For more housing and less real-estate havoc: Rezone and dezone
- The GrowthOp: Allowing cannabis delivery is a good start. But too much weed is still being sold on the illicit market
- The National Post: The Liberals are blowing smoke with claim they ‘wiped out’ half of illegal cannabis market
- The Journal Star: Tort reform should be part of criminal justice reform
- The Globe And Mail: Consumers Are Paying For Government’s Failure To Understand Cannabis
- The Globe And Mail: Health Canada Shows, Again, That It Can’t Properly Regulate Cannabis
- The National Post: A soda tax is a bad idea, and we can prove it
- The Hamilton Spectator: How Doug Ford Can Modernize Ontario’s Alcohol Market
- The Globe And Mail: Are excise taxes killing Canada’s cannabis market?
- The Financial Post: The Pope should back off on anti-capitalism
- The Western Standard: Federal attack on patents will hurt innovation
- The Financial Post: Ottawa’s latest rules risk ruining cannabis-infused beverages before they’re even legal
- The National Post: Ontario delivers yet another cannabis decision that hurts retailers and helps illegal dealers
- The Toronto Star: Banning Cannabis At Local Level Is Bad Public Policy
- The Telegraph-Journal: New Brunswick’s Nutrition Policy Goes Too far
- The Globe and Mail: Ottawa Is Baking A Bitter Taste Into Its Rules On Edible Cannabis
- The Hamilton Spectator: Canadians getting soaked by hidden booze taxes
- The Hamilton Spectator: A pop tax won’t help the poor or Canada’s health
- Voice Of San Diego: Local Cannabis Regulations Are Creating Pockets Of Prohibition
- Northwest Indiana Times: War On Plastic Makes The Virus Worse
- Leafly: Who Pays? Regulating Cannabis In Canada Estimated To Cost $546 Million
- Leafly: Advertising Rules For Cannabis In Canada Are Too Strict
- The Hamilton Spectator: When It Comes To Canadian Dairy, Trump Is Right
- The Hamilton Spectator: Indigenous Autonomy A Good Start To Improved Life Outcomes
- Hamilton Spectator: Should The Government Spend Money To Lobby Itself
- Hamilton Spectator: Easy On Taxes re Marijuana, Says Consumer Advocate
- Hamilton Spectator: Millennials Lead The Way Demanding Consumer Choice
- Hamilton Spectator: Vaping Regulations Undermine Anti-Tobacco Work
- The Conservative: Supply Management and the Dairy Farmers of Canada
[vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”15681″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” qode_css_animation=”” qode_hover_animation=”darken” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3-xU1Xl-q4&t=1s”][vc_single_image image=”15681″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” qode_css_animation=”” qode_hover_animation=”darken” link=”http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/920952387527″][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#ffffff”][service_table title=”Interviews” title_tag=”h3″ title_background_type=”background_color_type” icon=”fa-microphone” icon_size=”fa-3x” title_color=”#ffffff” title_background_color=”#898989″ icon_color=”#ffffff”]
- National Senate Finance Committee: Official Government Testimony
- Committee On Social Policy: Official Government Testimony
- Global News Radio: The Great Sugar Tax Debate
- CBC News: Airbnb regulations “a bad idea” says consumer advocate
- CBC Radio Manitoba: Manitoba’s cannabis fines are cruel and punitive
- Global News National: Canada needs inter provincial free trade
- CBC PEI: PEI’s New Cannabis Regulations
- CBC Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan’s cannabis policy
- RTL Today: Lobby organisation hopes to promote “intelligent legalisation” in Luxembourg
- CTV News Atlantic: Should Nova Scotia Have Private Cannabis Sales
- Global News Radio (Calgary): New Airbnb Rules In Calgary
- Global News Lethbridge: CCC Warns Against Outdoor Vaping Ban
- 980CKNW: Legalizing ridesharing would decrease drunk driving
- Roundhouse Radio: Canada’s beer tax by stealth?
- CKNW Vancouver: Ridesharing in BC
- CTV Lethbridge: CCC Warns Against Outdoor Vaping Ban
- Business News Network: Toronto’s Airbnb Regulations
- 770CHQR: Don’t treat vaping like smoking
- AM1310: Rethinking Canada’s cannabis restrictions
- AM980: Ontario’s cannabis monopoly
- Business in Vancouver: Beer taxes hurt the poor
- AM570: Cannabis packaging rules are “very silly”
- Global News Radio 640: Cannabis packaging rules will embolden black market
- Roundhouse Radio: Cannabis packaging rules are very silly
- CJOB 680 AM: Protesting “The Nanny State”
- 24 Hours Toronto: NANNY STATE ALERT: Pop tax falls flat
- Roundhouse Radio: Uber in Vancouver
- AM95.7: Nova Scotia’s cannabis regulations
- AM980: Supply management debate
- Cannabis Legalization: CBC’s “On The Money”
- Global News Radio 770: Lets stop dairy protectionist nonsense
- Roundhouse Radio Vancouver: Canada needs paid plasma donations
- Global News Radio 980: Canada needs paid plasma donations
Past and Present Projects
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